Privacy Policy

This Privacy Statement explains how Vodafone Foundation Portugal, as an information controller, collects, processes and protects your personal information when you use these platform.

We invite you to read this Privacy Statement to learn more about how your personal information is processed when you use this platform.

About the DigitALL Programme

The DigitALL programme aims to:

  • Promote equal opportunities for young students in the acquisition and development of key competences, with a curriculum plan oriented towards an experiential learning model. The plan includes thematic content that helps to develop their competences to better prepare them for greater employability, socio-educational and personal development, as well as participation in civic and social life.
  • One of the aims of the programme is to train teachers in the STEM teaching areas, in order to strengthen their skills and help in the process of student development and growth in the 21st century

The programme will be implemented using a face-to-face, distance learning and blended learning model. Therefore, this website will be a fundamental tool in implementing the DigitALL programme.

In face-to-face teaching, 1st and 2nd cycle students enrolled in state schools covered by the DigitALL programme will be directly impacted.

In terms of distance learning, 1st and 2nd cycle students will be impacted primarily, if they autonomously decide to carry out the open activities (self-learning) available on the platform, together with teachers of 1st and 2nd cycles who want to do the voluntary training activities available for teachers in the DigitALL Programme

The platform will also work as a tool for Municipalities and School Clusters to submit their applications to the DigitALL Programme, in accordance with the regulations in force during the period in which the applications are open.

Within the scope of the content provided by the digital platform DigitALL owned by the Vodafone Portugal Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the “Vodafone Foundation“), with headquarters at Avenida D. João II, no. 36, 1998-017 Lisbon, with the single registration and taxpayer number 505263416, as the person responsible for processing, it may request Users to provide personal information to access the services provided on the DigitALL platform, that is, information provided by the User that allows the Vodafone Foundation to accredit the User for access to the platform or to contact him/her.

Through this Privacy Policy, pursuant to their right to information set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016) and the Personal Data Protection Act (Law no. 58/2019, 8 August), Vodafone Foundation provides the User with detailed information about the nature of the data collected and about the purpose and processing that will be carried out in relation to their Personal Information.

Privacy by Design

1. Respect for privacy is a key component in the design, development and delivery of our products.

1.1. Collection of Personal Information

“Personal Information” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

We only collect and process your personal information when you use the platform. The information collected includes the data that the User provides when using the platform, in the following capacities:

Parent or guardian and holder of parental responsibilities: 

Identification data: Username;
Contact details: E-mail;
Profile data: Access credentials (Username and Password), communication preferences;
Browsing and usage data: Information on website use and browsing (sessions, duration of access, pages consulted, resources consulted, IP address), general information for help and support, including via cookies.


Identification data: Username;
Contact details: E-mail;
Profile data: Access credentials (Username and Password), communication preferences;
Browsing and usage data: Information on website use (e.g. number of activities completed) and browsing (sessions, duration of access, pages consulted, results of the completion of teaching modules, lessons and tasks, resources consulted, IP address) general information for help and support, including via cookies.


Identification data: Username;
Contact details: Email;
School Data: School where you teach;
Browsing and usage data: Information on website use and browsing (sessions, duration of access, pages consulted, resources consulted, resources created, IP address), general information for help and support, including via cookies.

Trainee Teacher:

Identification data: Username;
Contact details: Email;
School Data: School; year that you teach; classes that you teach;
Browsing and usage data: Information on website use and browsing (sessions, duration of access, pages consulted, resources consulted, resources created, IP address), and general information for help and support, including via cookies.


Identification data: Username;
Contact details: Professional e-mail;
Identification Data: information on the Municipality that is applying, provided through the form available on the website;
Browsing and usage data: Information on website use and browsing (sessions, duration of access, pages consulted, resources consulted, resources created, IP address), cookies and general information for help and support.

1.2. Channels for Collecting Personal Information

Vodafone Foundation may collect data directly (i.e. directly from the User) or indirectly (i.e. through partners or third parties). Collection may be done through the following channels:

  • Direct collection: via the platform (data provided or collected automatically);
  • Indirect collection: through partners and official entities (schools, partner entities selected by the Vodafone Foundation for implementing the programme.

2. Legal bases for the use of your personal information

We rely on different grounds to use the personal information you provide through the platform, namely:

  • Fulfilment of a contract – We may need to use your information to enable you to use the platform correctly, for example to allow us to email you information about updates to the platform, or to provide you with information about activities you carry out on the platform.
  • Legitimate interests – We may use your personal data for our legitimate interest. Where we rely on this legal basis to process your personal information, we will implement security measures to ensure that your privacy is protected, data will be pseudonymised where and whenever possible, and we will assess our interests to ensure that they do not override your rights.
  • Compliance with a legal obligation to which the Vodafone Foundation is bound, which are subject to strict internal policies (such as retention periods).
  • Consent – consent given by you where Vodafone Foundation has no other legal basis for the processing. Consent may be withdrawn at any time. For example, we need your consent as a parent or guardian and holder of parental responsibilities to allow us to process your child’s personal data.

 3. Purposes of processing user data

In general terms, the Vodafone Foundation uses User Data for the following purposes:

  • To guarantee provision of the service and access to the platform

The Vodafone Foundation uses the information you provide or collect to operate, maintain, enhance and provide all features of the DigitALL platform.

This data covers the User’s registration on the platform and according to its specifics allows access to restricted areas of the website, in accordance with the terms previously established.

  • To provide help and support to the User

Data is used to manage contacts with the User, in terms of help and support to the User.

  • To communicate with the User

Data is used so that the Vodafone Foundation can provide information about DigitALL’s resources, services and other offers that may be of interest to the User, namely by sending newsletters, opinion surveys or other information about activities or other areas of the platform that are requested by the User.

  • To understand, improve and develop the service

Data is used by the Vodafone Foundation to understand and analyse User usage trends, behaviours and preferences to ensure that the website and applications meet User needs

The information may also be used to maintain, develop, support and improve the service and mobile applications and develop other educational products or services.

  • To personalise the User Experience

The data is used by the Vodafone Foundation to personalise their experience of using the platform, through the various devices that can be used for access. For example, the Vodafone Foundation obtains aggregate or statistical information regarding the User’s profile type, i.e. it analyses usage profiles in order to develop and publish content that is as appropriate as possible to the requests and type of User. To this end, the collection of information such as the number of videos viewed or time spent on activities, for example, is fundamental to guaranteeing personalised user experiences.

 4. Data communication

4.1. Data sharing with Third Parties

We do not share your personal information with third parties with the exception of: communications that are required by law, in compliance with a legal obligation placed on the Vodafone Foundation;

4.2. Subcontractors

When processing User information, the Vodafone Foundation uses or may use third parties subcontracted by it, on behalf of the Vodafone Foundation and in accordance with the instructions given by the latter, in order to process User information, in strict compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Personal Data Protection Act (Law no. 58/2019, 8 August), as well as this Privacy Policy.

The Vodafone Foundation undertakes only to subcontract entities that can provide sufficient guarantees for implementing the appropriate technical and organisational measures to defend the User’s rights. All subcontractors shall be bound by a written contract specifically regulating the object and duration of the processing, the nature and purpose of the processing, the type of personal information, the categories of data subjects, and the rights and obligations of the parties.

 5. Retention period of user data

The period of time for which data is stored and retained varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed. There are legal requirements that data must be kept for a minimum period of time. Therefore, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data shall be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary and purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed, after which they shall be eliminated.

5.1. Data retention and deletion

Data type Class Teacher Student Trainee Teacher Child Parent or guardian Applicant Visitor Retention time
Authentication data Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 1 year after the last access.
Acceptance and setting of cookies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 months.
Acceptance of the privacy policy and terms of use Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 1 year after the last access.
Completion of application form for the DigitALL programme, No No No No No Yes No 1 month after completion.
Completion of data for teacher training accreditation Yes No Yes No No No No 1 year after the last access by the user.
Data associated with the use of the contents of the Activities page for popular My Profile, My Activities, Data collected relating to the use of Activities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 1 year after the last access by the user.
Data associated with the use of the contents of School Activities for popular My Profile and School Activities. Yes Yes No No No No No 1 year after the last access by the user.
Data associated with the use of the Teacher Training content for popular My Profile, and Teacher Courses.
Data collected on the use of Activities
Yes No Yes No No No No 1 year.
Data associated with the completion of knowledge assessment questionnaires in the use of school activities. No Yes No No No No No 1 year.
Completion of questionnaire(s) evaluating school activities. Yes Yes No No No No No 1 year.
Completion of the DigitALL teacher training activities evaluation questionnaire Yes No Yes No No No No 1 year.

6. Protection of minors

The Vodafone Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of Users/Children to ensure that they are safe online, taking into account the special protection they deserve. For this reason, DigitALL, has developed some features to help protect personal information relating to children under 13 years of age. The Vodafone Foundation, specifically the DigitALL platform, does not knowingly allow users under the age of 13 to register for the service without the prior consent of their parents or guardians and holders of parental responsibilities.

If the Vodafone Foundation finds that the Personal Data of a minor user has been collected and processed on the DigitALL platform, it will take the necessary actions to delete such data.

If you are a parent or guardian and holder of parental responsibilities of a user under the age of 13, registered with our service, without his/her consent, please contact our service through the e-mail address in order to request the exclusion of such personal data from our system.

6.1. How can underage users register on the DigitALL website or associated mobile applications?

To register a user with a Student profile on the DigitALL platform, we request that the parent or guardian and holder of parental responsibilities set the User, the Access Password and indicate the school year of the student.

6.2. Parental responsibility

Parents or Guardians and Holders of Parental Responsibility must give their consent for their children to access and use the DigitALL platform, accept this privacy policy and confirm access through the link in the automatic email which is sent during the user registration process for the student profile.

To do so, they should click on the link contained in that communication. This link goes to the service Login area.

  1. If the parent or guardian and holder of parental responsibility already has access credentials they must log in to the platform and activate the links for the minor child(ren).
  2. If you do not yet have access credentials, you must first register with the parent or guardian profile and then create the access data and login to the platform, proceeding as indicated in the previous point.

A parent or guardian and holder of parental responsibility can manage and control their child(ren)’s account. For example, they can create or update their child’s account details as well as view information regarding their child’s progress in activities.

 7. Your rights

All Users have certain rights with respect to their personal information, including:

The right of access – the User has the right to request copies of their personal data. Applications should be submitted via email. Applications should be submitted to We may charge a small fee for this service, based on the administrative costs we incur in responding to the request when asked for additional copies of requests that have already been responded to.

The right of rectification – The User has the right to request the rectification of any information they consider incorrect. The User also has the right to ask us to complete any information they consider incomplete. Applications should be submitted to

The right to erasure – The User has the right to request that we erase their personal data. This right may be limited to the extent that such omission or limitation constitutes a necessary and proportionate measure under the provisions of the law, as set out in Applications should be submitted to

The right to limit processing – The User has the right to ask us to limit the use of their personal information. This right may be restricted if such omission or limitation constitutes a necessary and proportionate measure under the provisions of the law as set out in Applications should be submitted to

The right to object to processing – The User has the right to object to the processing of their personal information. This right may be limited if such omission or limitation constitutes a necessary and proportionate measure under the provisions of the law as set out in Applications should be submitted to

The right to data portability – You have the right, in certain circumstances, to receive the personal information you have provided to us or request the transfer of the information we generate about you to another organisation. This right may be limited if such omission or limitation constitutes a necessary and proportionate measure under the provisions of the law as set out in Applications should be submitted to

How to contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, please contact the Data Protection Officer at

How to contact the competent authorities

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authorities:

National Commission for Data Protection – CNPD:

8. Transfer of data outside the European Union 

The personal information collected and used by the Vodafone Foundation is not made available to third parties outside the European Union. If, in the future, this transfer takes place, the Vodafone Foundation undertakes to ensure that the transfer complies with the applicable legal provisions, in particular as regards determining the suitability of such country with regard to data protection and the requirements applicable to such transfers.

 9. Cookies

How we use your cookies

Cookies are small information files that are sent to your computer, tablet or mobile phone when you visit a website or use a mobile application. Cookies are sent back to the original website on each subsequent visit or to another website that recognises that cookie. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognise a user’s device or application, browse pages efficiently, remember their preferences and generally improve the user experience.

We use cookies to monitor what Users do on our website. Cookies also enable the use of services such as verifying the user’s account.

Our cookies do not store personal information. They simply help us find information when you log in, or relate your browsing history to you and your personal information when you choose to sign up for an activity or receive a newsletter or notifications.

For this purpose we sometimes use persistent cookies. We take your personal information seriously and handle it with care, so we are always monitoring and improving how we protect it.

Some cookies issued by the server will only last for the duration of the session and will expire when you close the browser or the application.

Other cookies are used to remember when a user returns to a website or application and are longer lasting.

You can find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage or delete them using different types of browsers at (see more detailed information below)

We have organised our cookies into the following categories to make it easier to understand why we need them:

  1. Strictly necessary – these are used to help our website run efficiently.
  2. Statistics – these are used to analyse how our website is working and to understand how we can improve it.
  3. Personalisation – to allow you to present yourself on our site, in a way that is individualised and adapted to your interests.

If you prefer, you can opt out of these cookies.

List of Cookies used on the platform:

Category:  Strictly necessary
Name Duration Description
adOtr Session Used to detect spam and improve website security. Does not store user-specific data.
altutgv2 Permanent Used to detect spam and improve website security. Does not store user-specific data.
cky-consent 1 year Checks whether the user has consented to the use of cookies.
elementor Permanent Used in context with the site’s WordPress theme. This cookie allows the page administrator to implement or change the content in real time.
PRLST Session Used to detect spam and improve website security. Does not store user-specific data.
rc::a Permanent This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. It is beneficial in that it allows for reliable reporting on its use.
rc::c Session This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. It is beneficial in that it allows for reliable reporting on its use.
sbbi Session Control cookie. Used in conjunction with the site’s Content Delivery Network (CDN).
sp_lit 1 Day Used to detect spam and improve website security. Does not store user-specific data.
spcsrf 1 Day Ensures the security of user browsing by preventing cross-site request forgeries. This cookie is essential for the security of the website and the user.
UTGv2 170 days Used to detect spam and improve website security. Does not store user-specific data.
wordpress_test_cookie Session Used to check that the browser used supports cookies.
Category: Personalisation
Name Duration Description
wp-wpml_current_language 1 Day Determines the country code which is obtained on the basis of the user’s IP address. Used to define the language in which the site is presented to the user.
cnv Persistent Allows editing of the user’s profile.
csr Persistent Allows editing of the user’s profile.
otr Persistent Allows editing of the user’s profile.
SPSE Session Allows editing of the user’s profile.
Category: Statistics
Name Duration Description
SPSI Session Defines a unique identifier for the session. Allows data on website user behaviour to be obtained for statistical purposes.
SPSE Session Defines a unique identifier for the session. Allows data on website user behaviour to be obtained for statistical purposes.
_ga Session Defines a unique identifier for the session. Allows data on website user behaviour to be obtained for statistical purposes.
_ga_G4HM2M8122 Session Defines a unique identifier for the session. Allows data on website user behaviour to be obtained for statistical purposes.

 Your cookies

To use the DigitALL platform, you must have your browser ready to accept cookies. The most popular browsers are:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera

If you choose not to enable cookies, you can still browse our website, but you should note that it may prevent some web pages from being displayed correctly.

Third party cookies

First-party cookies originate from the same domain as the website you are visiting.

Third party cookies originate from a different domain than the website being visited. When for example you Tweet or Like or Post on a social network content about our website, these social networks may place cookies on your computer. We do not control how these cookies are used and suggest that you confirm on the relevant websites how they are used and how they can be managed by you. (See list of cookies above)

Control of cookies

You can control the use of cookies on your browser.

How to check whether cookies are enabled (PC)

  • Google Chrome
  1. Click on the menu button (three horizontal bars) in the top right corner of the browser window and select Settings, then Advanced Settings
  2. Locate the Privacy heading, and select Content settings
  3. Select Allow sites to store and read cookie data
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
  1. Click on the Settings icon (looks like a cogwheel) at the top right of the browser window and select Internet Options, then click on the Privacy tab
  2. Ensure that the Privacy level is set to Medium or lower, which will allow cookies on your browser
  3. One level above Medium will disable cookies
  • Microsoft Edge
  1. Click on the Settings icon (four dots …. ) in the top right of the browser window and select Settings, then click on “Site Permissions”
  2. Click on Page Data Cookies
  3. Click and Activate the option Allow sites to record and read cookies (recommended)
  • Mozilla Firefox
  1. Click on the menu button (three horizontal bars) in the top right corner of the browser window and select Options
  2. Select the Privacy icon
  3. Click on Cookies, and select allow sites to set cookies

How to check if cookies are enabled (Mac) 

  • Safari for OX X
  1. Click on Safari at the top of the browser window and select the Preferences option
  2. Click on Privacy
  3. Select Allow only from visited sites

Block cookies

If you want to know how to prevent web pages from using cookies to remember the web pages you visit, you can choose your browser from the list. By doing so you will be directed to the respective browser page where you can manage your cookies and site data.

If you change the cookie settings of your browser, your use of our platform will not be monitored. Information regarding the control and deletion of cookies is also available at .

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