Learning model
DigitALL in Schools The DigitALL Programme was designed to be an ally of teachers and students as an element of the complementary school offer, aiming for the development of digital skills and literacy of students in the 1st and 2nd cycles, through the provision of innovative and dynamic teaching resources. The implementation of the programme in schools follows a face-to-face, distance and hybrid learning model.

The implementation of the programme in schools follows a face-to-face, distance and hybrid learning model.
DigitALL at Home The integration in an increasingly digital society, reinforces the need for self-learning, the development of new skills and digital literacy.

The DigitALL Programme provides activities that children can discover at home, individually or with family and friends, developing important 21st century skills.

Aimed at children between 6 and 12 years old, DigitALL at Home promotes the use of new technologies, in a creative and collaborative way
DigitALL at Home The integration in an increasingly digital society, reinforces the need for self-learning, the development of new skills and digital literacy.

The DigitALL Programme provides activities that children can discover at home, individually or with family and friends, developing important 21st century skills.

Aimed at children between 6 and 12 years old, DigitALL at Home promotes the use of new technologies, in a creative and collaborative way.
DigitALL for teachers The DigitALL Program provides content related to the use of new technologies, which Teachers can use to complement the pedagogical strategies and teaching methodologies they already use.

Resources and tools are available to help Teachers take advantage of new technologies at the service of Education, through the use of digital devices and resources, in an innovative and collaborative way.
Education for All
For Students In the Schools, Partners of the Programme, DigitALL is integrated into the complementary school offer for students.
For Teachers The DigitALL Programme provides content for Teachers on how to use new technologies in Education.
Methodology The DigitALL Programme follows collaborative, experiential and interactive learning, based on the exploration and execution of projects, using new technologies to support the development of the skills defined by European Union's Digital Competence Framework (DigComp. 2.0) and the Competence Framework considered crucial for the 21st century.
DigComp 2.0 competences Information and Data Literacy Communication and Collaboration Digital Content Creation Safety Problem solving
Essential skills for the 21st century
Critical thinking Creativity Collaboration Information literacy Media literacy
Technological Literacy Adaptability Social skills Productivity Leadership
Promote experiential and collaborative learning
Use of technology as a means of development
Simultaneous development of technical, behavioral and social skills
Hybrid learning model (face-to-face and distance learning)
WHAT YOU’LL LEARN Knowledge Areas Covered
  • Modelling,
  • Spatial Intelligence and Constructions
Stimulating children's ability to imagine objects in two or three dimensions, developing basic technical skills in modelling and construction, using technological tools.
  • Graphic Arts
  • and Animation
Through experiential learning, children are challenged to develop their creativity and communication skills, with the help of content production and digital editing tools.
  • Robotics and
  • Electronics
In this area, we’ll work on specific technological skills, namely the introductory concepts necessary to carry out Electronics and Robotics projects.
  • Computational thinking
  • and Programming
Through a collaborative and trial and error methodology, children will develop skills of abstraction, deconstruction, pattern recognition and the use of algorithms.
Explore the activities we have for you! With DigitALL activities, you will learn how to use new technologies, from augmented reality to 3D animation, so that you can develop and explore other areas of knowledge.
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